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Bright Evans Darko

Agribusiness Value Chain


Bright Evans Darko, a professional banker, is the Head of Business Development and Projects – Ghana Export and Import Bank; he is responsible for developing projects for selected sectors of the Ghanaian economy, providing leadership and guidance for developing, and implementing systems for effective appraisals, approvals, disbursements and monitoring of funded projects. He also provides guidance for policy formulation and strategy, directing implementation to ensure the achievement of the bank’s objective. By the end of his second year with EXIM bank, he had structured and developed 6 projects; 4 of which are currently at the implementation stage. Darko started the 1 district 1 factory financing at the EXIM bank and solely developed two export trade finance products of the bank. With over 18 years experience in both commercial and development banking, having held senior management positions in International Banks in Ghana, he has gleaned from leadership, new product development, efficient asset management and strategy formulation. His academic journey started from the Adisadel College, with a certificate in Business, he holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Ghana and a certificate in Securities from the Ghana Stock Exchange. In June 2012, he earned an MBAin Finance from the University of Ghana Business School.