About Us

About Us
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

[email protected]

Our Organization

An advocacy and Non Profit Organization in Ghana.

Agricwealth Ghana is non profit making organization registered under the laws of Ghana with its scope of operation geared towards supporting and elevating the socio economic conditions of the many who happen to be classified as poor. The foundation which was established in 2014 has embarked on a number of projects to restore the living conditions of people especially in the rural areas by supporting them in their economic, social and agricultural and climate change activities.

Our Vision

To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate and to be an organization that continually respond to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards development of sustainable society that promote and protects the equality, social justice and economic freedom of the masses.

Our Goal

We strive to deploy innovative ways of creating wealth to help and develop the distressed, needy, neglected and vulnerable people and economically by providing them necessary assistance for sustaining their lives and conditions specially the women and youth as well

Our Mission

To work towards the promotion of the aims and objective of the United Nations and its system for development of society, and in pursuance of its vision and guiding principle. The organization organize program to facilitate the development of our societies through social work, research work, disseminates knowledge of United Nations and its program as well reaches out to the larger community through extent. ion at local, National levels.

about us

Future Goals

1. Agricwealth intends to adopt digital solutions and innovation in driving  ecosystem strengthening economic growth. 

2. Agricwealth will seek to adopt modern technology to enhance value additions on the products of beneficiaries to increase their market value and make them commercially sustainable 

3. Agricwealth will build partnership for development that would ensure effective outcomes for sustainable jobs. 
4. Agricwealth will seek to mobilise,  train,  and support and conduct monitoring and evaluation of their enterprises for many youth and women and to ensure their businesses become self-sufficient 

5. Mobilise: through advocacy drive such as summit, boot camps,  tv and radio and other social engagements.
6. Train: offer them capacity building and knowledge sharing in various fields of agriculture, technology and climate and their value chains with the help of experts 

7. Support: offer financial assistance to set up their business from the scratch while leveraging on their energy and passion

8. Monitor: ensure compliance and standards and structures are well maintained in sustaining their businesses. 

about us

Completed Projects



Successfully trained 200 women in mushroom production, Developed market access in 5 communities under the APEL CIDA-KNUST project in the Bono Region


Embarked on rural women livelihood empowerment through farming in adidwan, sataso, woroso and Bosomkyekye in the mampong municipality of Ashanti region


Set up various youth agricultural and farm fun clubs in some 18 secondary schools which defunct after covid.

2015 to Date

Has successfully set up a farming co-operative in Effiduase, krobo, kofiase and Bosomkyekye to engage to set up small gari businesses in their respective communities encourage farming and improving livelihoods and boost economic outcomes. 

2022 - Date

Organizing conferences aimed at galvanizing the youth to participate in the Ghanaian agriculture sector. With the first conference held at Kwame Nkurumah University of Science and Technology with over 4000 youth participating. The next series will be held in the mining communities with the intention to mobilizing the teaming youth engaged in “Galamaey” to become trained farmers