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There’re jobs in the country but we don’t value them – Kyere Mensah

Rev. Evans Kyere-Mensah , convener for Ghana Youth Agriculture Summit says there are jobs in the country but the youth always complain of unemployment.

According to him, there are many jobs in the country but the saddest part of it that they youth want white colour jobs hence despising the others.

“There are jobs in this country but my people can’t see, because they don’t value it. The youth always cry over unemployment because they want ‘white color’ jobs”.

Speaking on Oyerepa Breakfast Time, hosted by Akua Aseiduwaa, the convener indicated that there are jobs in the agricultural sector.  He said the sector can employ over 100 thousand unemployed youth but they see it as a punishment.

“I’m a farmer. We need people in the Agric sector. I can boldly attest that, agriculture can  employ over thousands of people. Anybody can verge into farming no matter your academic qualifications but the youth of our days don’t show much interest because they see it as a punishment” Rev Kyere-Mensah stated.

Rev. Kyere-Mensah advised the youth to engage in agriculture since it is a life changing venture.
“Let’s get into agriculture, though it’s difficult but there’s money in it”. He concluded.

Source: Oyerepafmonline.com / Ruth Obeng

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